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Women's Connection Blog

Thriving in the 21st Century


August 2024


Let's appreciate ourselves.


Our worth goes much deeper than the degree to which we achieve external standards or fulfill others' expectations. Our value is inherent in who we are -- wise, creative human beings with generous spirits. 


July 2024


We ought to find more opportunities to laugh.


Sharing a good laugh reinforces our feeling of connection, giving us the confidence and sense of security we need to navigate the countless transitions we travel through in our lives.


June 2024


You are my person.


As we all know, an important friendship can be defined not only by its length, but also by its depth. And it's possible to have more than one "best friend". Each person adds value to our lives in a unique way. 



May 2024


Meaningful experiences don't have to be rare.


We can feel a sense of purpose and connection any day of the week by doing something to help other people.


April 2024


Spring is about new beginnings.


We embrace Spring as a season of hope, of joy and of love. In these tumultuous and often frightening times, I’m a huge fan of hope, joy and love. I know you are too.


March 2024


Be kind to yourself.


By allowing yourself to be the center of your universe, even for a few hours a day, you are more likely to develop the strength with which to quiet that inner critic, no matter how bossy and opinionated she tends to be.



February 2024


Want a friend?
Be a friend.


Our activities aren't an end in themselves. Their deeper purpose is to provide pathways through which we connect, get to know each other, and become friends.


January 2024


We will survive these difficult times.


The connections we make with each other, and the friendships that have grown among us, are a rare and valuable source of inspiration and strength.


December 2023


Let's slow down and savor our time together.


Building genuine connections with other women is the reason we’re part of this amazing TTN community.



November 2023


Tapping into sources of comfort and strength.


News from the Middle East, on top of daily reports from the war in Ukraine, can break our hearts and feel overwhelming.


October 2023


The antidote to loneliness.

If we want to be truly healthy, happy and fulfilled, we need to restructure our lives around people.


August 2023

"Connectivity" is a big idea.

Having relationships with other people is a fundamental aspect of being human.



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