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C2C Events
C2C Peer Groups
C2C Getting to Know
Events Open to All
Member Directory
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Women's Connection is a national community of women, age 50 and forward, who connect around shared interests and activities and empower each other to thrive.  Its Coast to Coast (C2C) chapter, which is 100% virtual benefits women who are unable to attend in-person events.

A message from Roni Buckley, Chapter Chair

“Our Coast to Coast Chapter was launched three years ago – a virtual one comprised of members from 32 different states and Canada! With its unique identity, it offers rich and engaging educational and social programs and events which have provided the opportunity for our members to develop meaningful and engaging relationships. We continue to grow and in the last year introduced two Peer Groups with more to come.


When asked about her membership, a C2C member said:


‘The Coast-to-Coast chapter has truly become my special place – a home away from home. With members spanning the entire continent, it feels like I'm part of a secret society and having a trusted local friend no matter where I travel. Above all, what I cherish most is the energy and sense of connection that transcends the virtual realm and brings us together in each other's lives.’


Already a member? We welcome your program suggestions. Not yet a member? We invite you to attend one of our programs and consider joining a vibrant and engaging group of women from coast to coast.”


If you have any questions, please email us


Please note: Coast to Coast is a virtual chapter with members across the country. We have decided to use Eastern Time as our standard in all events and activities, to avoid confusion.


C2C Member Leadership Opportunities

Your Chance to Volunteer with Energetic, Creative Women from All Over the Country.

Chapter Contributor

Chapter Contributors attend and participate in monthly Steering Committee meetings for a period of three months.  This is a chance to get to know your leadership group and share your ideas without a long term commitment.  

Membership Chair


LIKE MEETING NEW PEOPLE?  Here's an opportunity: C2C is seeking a Membership Chair who will welcome new chapter members through phone or email to let them know about our programs and special interest groups, and who will contact members at renewal time and encourage potential members to explore what we have to offer. These activities can be done entirely on the Membership Chair's schedule.


In addition, the Membership Chair serves on the C2C Steering Committee, an energetic and fun group, who meet once a month for an hour to plan chapter activities - these meetings are typically the second Tuesday of the month at 6pm ET.

Total time commitment is expected to be less than 5 hours per month. This is an important role and engages our members, helps them find what they need and solicits feedback that can improve the member experience. Hope you'll consider this role!

Please drop an email to us if you are interested in either position.

Follow the C2C chapter on Facebook


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