General Information
This is a monthly club for women who enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction books. The books are chosen by the group, after soliciting, receiving, and discussing recommendations from members. Every member steps up to be the discussion leader for one of the books recommended by either themselves or another member.
Our meetings begin with the book discussion and end with a check-in from each member. This way we get to the meat of the meeting first, but we also make time to get to know and support each other. We invite you to join us every first Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM.
New members, new ideas and new opinions are always welcome. And remember, you can come for just one meeting if you are particularly interested in the book of the day.
If you are interested in participating or want to be on our contact list, 1) login and add yourself to the contact group or 2) Contact Eleni Skevas, if you need the zoom link, using the Member Directory. If not a member, please contact us.