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Women's Connection SIGs are for Chapter members. 
If you are interested in joining a SIG, please click Here to join now and become a member of our Chapter. Then log onto the website and sign up for the open SIG of your choice.


Brooklyn SIG:  

Calling all Brooklyn lovers to join the newly created Brooklyn SIG! If you live in Brooklyn or just want to get to know the Borough and its amazing Women's Connection members better, the Brooklyn SIG might be for you. Get on the ground floor to create a SIG that meets your needs and interests. It’s just starting now, and we are seeking members to collaborate with their Women's Connection sisters to figure out how we want to operate and what we want to do. For now, we want to begin by meeting each other and getting to know each other better. Thus, we are thinking of mostly holding mingles but in time we imagine growing into doing whatever members are looking for.

Our current goal is to meet about once a month.  If you’d like to meet new people and make new friends, please join our SIG.  We look forward to meeting you!

Discover Queens!:  

Queens is NYC’s largest borough, home to 150 different cultures, with a rhythm and a beauty all its own. Discover Queens! is an opportunity to learn about this unique borough in the company of friends, with knowledgeable guides. We generally meet every other month for a prearranged tour (dates TBA). Tour attendance is on a first-to-respond basis; maximum number of participants will depend on the venue. Join us and get to know more about your hometown, or venture to this outer borough for a new experience!


The News Group

The News Group discusses current events -- not politics -- to get a better understanding of the issues affecting our lives, our community, and the world. We meet at the home of a member on the fourth Wednesday of each month, at 5:30 p.m. 


Passionate knitters have gotten together to form this Special Interest Group, which meets monthly from 3:30 to 5:00 pm to work on their individual projects and develop friendships around multicolored wool.  We would love to welcome other members who live in Manhattan and are able to take turns hosting the group, which we hope to do in-person next year.  Current meetings are by zoom on variable dates we agree on mutually.  If you would prefer to sew, needlepoint, crochet, or do crewel embroidery, no one will judge you! 

Photographers' Group 

The Photo group is looking for a few more photographers to join a very special group of ladies who see life through their own unique lens. We have assignments that we do once a month, and submit 15 of our best pictures for review. It’s an interesting group that has been together for over 10 years. We are looking for two new members.


The Snowbirds Peer Group is for Women's Connection members who fly South to Florida in the winter.  The East coast of Florida is represented and connects with the South Florida Women's Connection chapter.  The group meets in New York City and Florida. It focuses on important issues faced by Snowbirds who live in two different cities with its wonderful opportunities and challenges and helps to form new and lasting relationships at this time of life. 

VIRTUAL GROUPS Meeting on Zoom


Join a Community of Creatives!
Participate in a group that will stimulate and nurture your creative spirit. If you can create something and love doing it, or love to be around those who do....we want you! Do you have a craft, a skill or an interest? Would you like to learn?

Join us and show us what you can do...or that to which you aspire! Share your process! Open to all denominations of art and craft.
We are a collegial group of women, without judgement, who appreciate each other's efforts. Join us on the 3rd Friday of the month, 6-7pm.

Wisdom Circle 

Wisdom Circle provides the opportunity to share thoughts about some of our internal awareness and experience. We have explored intuition, divination, our purpose in life, ways of activating new sources of power and the place and quality of love in our lives.  We have touched on the wisdom of aging, the ideas of elderhood, and the use of the word "crone" to describe older women. We are interested in learning and exploring new ideas, new ways of being and new ways of knowing.

Women's Connection SIGs are for Chapter members.
If you are interested in joining a SIG, please Click Here to - Join Now and become a member of our Chapter. Then log onto the website and sign up for the open SIG of your choice.

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