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HomeNYC Culture


* NEW - Saturday Night Live 

The purpose of our new SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE (SNL) group is to share some great experiences and fun on the weekend. Saturdays are a wonderful time for women to get together for fun/laughter/connection/culture. We’ll take in music, dance, comedy clubs, movies (art house and big openings), dinners, Broadway and Off-Broadway shows, museum nights and more. We’ll meet the last Saturday of each month.

* NEW - Sizzling Saturdays

Saturdays are a wonderful time for women to get together for a fun evening out. We are sure to have a SIZZLING time with all kinds of adventurous outings. Fine restaurants, shows, cultural events and more - come join us to make memorable evenings and enjoy your NYC Chapter friends while making new ones as well!! We look forward to having you. 

We meet the second Saturday of the month.

Culture Mavens 

Culture Mavens enables you to share your passion for theater, film, dance, music, museums and other cultural activities. Culture Mavens members meet in person on a weekday, usually the second or third week of the month, for a lively discussion about upcoming events and what they've seen or done that they recommend (or NOT!). Meeting attendance is limited to a first-to-respond basis. Detailed notes are then e-mailed to all the group members. Members are also invited to Meet-Ups every month - opportunities to see a performance, visit an Art Fair, or other cultural event, followed by an optional lunch or dinner together.
All Culture Mavens have access to the large mailing list and can communicate via email, So, if there's something you want to do, see, or listen to, you can send an e-mail to find like-minded women to join you.


Movie Group 2 

Open  now for new members. We meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6 pm to 7:30pm. We choose movies that are free from Amazon Prime or Netflix. We take turns choosing the movie from our alphabetical list of members. The person choosing will moderate the meeting about the movie.

Women's Connection SIGs are for Chapter members.
If you are interested in joining a SIG, please Click Here to - Join Now and become a member of our Chapter. Then log onto the website and sign up for the open SIG of your choice.

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