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HomeNYC Workshops


Talking Circles and Workshops led by professional facilitators and coaches

Being in transition can be both exciting and daunting. Most of us got here after having careers, tending to family, supporting the goals and needs of others, and gaining as much experience and skills as we could possibly cram in. And many of us had to postpone pursuing our own dreams because, let’s face it, there weren’t enough hours in the day. Now it’s our time to refocus those passions and find new purpose.

That’s what The  Women's Connection is all about and that’s what LIFE TRANSITION SERVICES, the NYC Chapter’s program of workshops, is here to help with.

Life Transition services addresses topics in which members have expressed interest. As we move forward, these themes will expand, as will the formats in which they are offered – all based on input from our members.




The Women's Connection signature Women In Transition (WIT) Workshop is held twice a year: once in the first quarter and once in the third quarter. In addition, the fabulous follow-on 4-week program titled “Crafting Your Next Act” will be conducted following the WIT workshop.

These workshops allow us to dig deeper and explore ways to move through life’s most challenging changes with purpose and confidence.

And this is all done within our safe, personal and confidential  Women's Connection  community led by experienced professionals.

if you are….

  • Experiencing or anticipating change, for the first time, the second time, or the fifth time
  • Seeking a safe and supportive environment to take on new challenges and define your next steps
  • Wondering if there could be “more” to your life as you enjoy the freedom from work and other mid-life commitments …

….then, Life Transition Services workshops have been designed with you in mind.

For more information contact Loretta Lurie (

Upcoming Workshops

Crafting Your Next Act 4-Part Workshop  (In-Person)
5:00 PM- 7:00 PM (ET)

Thursday, October 17, 2024
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024



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