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HomeNYC Special Interest Groups


Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
 are a great way to connect with other members of  Women's Connection, make friends with like-minded people, and share your interests. NYC members are invited to join as many SIGS as their interests dictate.

You can see all current open SIGs by clicking on the categories below. If there is an open group that you would like to join, please contact the group leader directly; her name and email is listed with the SIG description. 

Women's Connection SIGs are for Chapter members. 
If you are interested in joining a SIG, please click Here to join now and become a member of our Chapter. Then log onto the website and sign up for the open SIG of your choice.
Interested in starting a new Special Interest Group?
If you would like to start a new group about a passion you have, SIG Committee Co-Chairs are ready, willing and able to help you get your new group off the ground. 
Organizing a group is really easy.  Just send a description of the group to the SIG committee chair. They will post it as a new open group in the relevant section – with your email as the contact, and arrange to announce the new SIG in our Women's Connection  member E-Blasts. You’ll then keep track of the people who respond to your request. Once enough people are interested, contact the co-chairs and they’ll help you get it started. 
Managing Your Group
Once your SIG is up and running, it is expected that you and the other members of the new SIG will manage it. When and if you want additional members or wish to change the information about your group on the web, you’ll simply contact the committee chair. 


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