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"Connectivity" is a very big idea.

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"Connectivity" is a very big idea.
By Darla Hastings
Posted: 2023-08-01T15:58:00Z

Dear Friends,

In last month's newsletter I provided a link to a survey that asked for one word to capture the essence of TTN. Overwhelmingly, your word was "Connections".

I was surprised by this! I expected your response to be "Friendships". But as I thought about it, I realized that although friendships involve a connection, the concept of connectivity is a much bigger idea.

For further exploration, I turned to the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT, which has been blowing my mind every time I ask it a question. Here's what it had to say on this issue.

Whether through friendships, social relationships or professional networks, building connections with other people can have many benefits. Here are a few of them.

Happiness. Human beings need to have a support system during both good and challenging times. Interacting with other people, especially ones we trust, can reduce stress and anxiety, lessen feelings of loneliness and enhance feelings of joy and fulfillment. Belonging to a community in which one feels accepted and valued by others can boost self-esteem and engender a sense of self-worth.

Personal Growth. Connecting with people from diverse backgrounds exposes us to different perspectives and ideas, broadening our understanding of the world and fostering open-mindedness and tolerance. We also gain important insights about ourselves and see opportunities for friendships, career prospects and experiences we may not have considered on our own.

Physical Health. People with robust social networks tend to have lower blood pressure, reduced risk of chronic diseases and a stronger immune system. They also tend to live longer, compared to those who are socially isolated.

Overall, forming connections with other people is a fundamental aspect of being human.  

I love that last line. 

You and ChatGPT have nailed the purpose of TTN. I am humbled, and so grateful to be part of this extraordinary community of female human beings. 




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