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Some things we're working on.

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Some things we're working on.
Some things we're working on.
By Darla Hastings
Posted: 2023-04-01T15:45:00Z

Dear Friends,

It's a drizzly Saturday morning in Brooklyn and I'm sitting at my kitchen table thinking about you. 

You amaze me! I have never seen a group of women with more open minds, more eagerness to expand their lives and learn from each other.  Plus, of course, there is the "can do" spirit that smart, competent women of a certain age have plenty of. I admire how generous you are with that spirit, whether you're offering a pair of hands in your chapter or being there for a fellow TTN member as she travels through a difficult time—or a joyful one! I love hearing about the many celebrations going on in our community.

Why do I say this now? I'm reading your responses to our recent member survey. I am so grateful to those of you who took the time to share your point of view. We learned a lot from you.

One thing we heard is that we can do a better job of helping you sort through TTN’s many offerings so you can more easily match them to your own interests and needs. Another learning is that you can't always find a peer group or special interest group that has an opening for you.  

You also said that you would like to have easier ways to connect with women who are having a life experience similar to yours, from widowhood to ongoing career. The list is long! The survey is a treasure chest of insights and ideas. We will carefully consider everything you offered us.

We have already sprung into action. Volunteers from many chapters have formed teams to explore areas of opportunity your comments helped to identify. The Board of Directors and chapter steering committees will review the teams' recommendations in March and early April. We’ll start to implement improvements soon after that. I am very excited about what I see for our future.

For now, I just want to say thank you. Thank you from my heart for being a member of our community, and for everything you do to make TTN a very special place to belong. As I said, you are amazing!

With affection and gratitude,



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