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How to spend this precious gift of time?

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How to spend this precious gift of time?
By Darla Hastings
Posted: 2023-05-01T15:36:00Z

Dear Friends,

I did some spring cleaning this week on my computer and came across a quote from Steve Jobs, cofounder of Apple Computer: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life."


The quote sang to me when I saved it, and it continues to feel relevant now because it reflects a state of being many of us TTN members are trying hard to achieve. How can we find the courage to follow our hearts and intuition and not let other people’s opinions determine how we spend this precious gift of time? How can we keep our own script about what we “should be doing" prevent us from finding more happiness and satisfaction?


Discovering answers to these questions is one of the things TTN is about. For me, the most important benefit of belonging to TTN is having a community of smart, competent women with whom to travel into new territories in life. Sharing the experience makes every step we take easier, more fulfilling and a lot more fun.

Your responses to the survey we conducted a few months ago gave us a treasure trove of information and ideas with which to make your experience as a TTN member better and better. Click here for a summary of what we learned from you and the actions we'll be taking to address opportunities for improvement.

Thank you for everything you do to make TTN such a special place to belong.

With affection and best wishes,



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