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HomeEventsOhio (P) March 27th Pop-Up Mid-Ohio Food Collective Volunteer Event and Tour 032725

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Ohio (P) March 27th Pop-Up Mid-Ohio Food Collective Volunteer Event and Tour 032725

About this event

March 27th Pop-Up Event Mid-Ohio Food Collective Volunteer Event and Tour
: Sharon Mast
Date: Thursday March 27, 2025
Time:    9:30 - 11:30 AM EST   Prep and stock food
               11:30 - 12:30 PM EST   Tour of facility
              12:30 PM EST  Optional lunch for participants
Location: 9:30 - 11:30 AM EST   Gantz Road Market:
4041 Gantz Rd, Grove City
                   11:30 - 12:30 PM EST    Mid-Ohio Food Collective main center:
3960 Brookham Dr, Grove City
                   12:30 Optional lunch location TBD
Cost: Free for members/$10 for non-members

Join us as we volunteer at the Mid-Ohio Food Collective.  Following the work session, we will take a 2-minute drive from the market to the main center where we will take a tour.  See down below for FAQ.

For those available and interested, we plan to have lunch in Grove City close to the volunteer location.

Deadline to register is Monday, March 17th.  When you register, please email your name and email address to Sharon Mast at She will compile the list of attendees that MOFC requires of all volunteering groups.
NOTE:  If, after registering, anyone must cancel for any reason, please text Sharon Mast at (917) 747-9640 and include your name or send an email to

Members:  To see who has already registered, after you have logged in, at the upper right of the event (this) page, you will see an icon of two people. It is next to the calendar 📅. Click on the people icon. 

How will I get between the 2 locations?  We can car-pool from the market to the main facility since it’s such a short (less than 5 minute) drive up the road. 

How physical and strenuous is the work? Our shift from 9:30am-11:30am is a Prep and Stocking shift.  The main task will be in the set-up and preparation for the market that day. Tasks require various levels of capability in every way and jobs will be assigned that are best for each member’s level. There is always a job that everyone of all levels can help with!

How long will we be standing for? During the shift, we will be able to sit and take breaks as needed. We just need to let market staff know when a rest is needed and they will accommodate us.  The tours are usually between 30 minutes and an hour or so (depending on questions etc.).

Will we need to sign waivers?  No.  Since we are only preparing and stocking and not serving customers, no waivers will be needed.  There will be no interaction with the public.

Date and Time

Thursday, March 27, 2025, 9:30 AM until 12:30 PM


Gantz Road Market
4041 Gantz Road
Grove City, OH  43123

Event Contact(s)

Sharon Mast

Donna E Kayne



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Monday, March 17, 2025 at 5:00 PM
Cancellation Policy:
All cancellations must be made by Monday, March 17th. To cancel, please text Sharon at (917) 747-9640 and include your name or send an email to

Number of People Who Will Attend

Any Non-Member *
* This can be your primary registrant type. Only one primary registrant type is allowed per registration.
Register Now

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